Thursday, March 21, 2013

Leaning In

The most interesting thing about baldness is the feeling of air on my scalp. Not unpleasant but a bit cold. March 9, eight of us gathered, I call it my coven. Powerful and beautiful women – I mean beautiful, all shining with spirit, ranged from 30s to 70s. Before the others arrived I set space and intention, honoring the land, directions and elements, asking for support. When they had all arrived we gathered in a circle and opened to the intention of the gathering. Several things were read but sticking most in my mindwas that borrowed from Vedic astrologer Marga Laube’s latest posting:

“Imagine encountering every stranger and every situation in total openness, as if who or what you were encountering was a well-told and well-acted story, going on inside you. No judgment, no separation, no resistance, no fear. What would that feel like? 
When the judgment, separation, resistance, or fear comes up, can we ask ourselves, "Do I want to stay limited and act out my old patterns? Or am I ready to step into the truth of who I really am?"
When the world is in a big churn, can we meet the raucous intensity with enthusiasm? Instead of leaning back, can we lean in?

Then, I knelt before the fire pit and as the beauties sang, held me, laughed, smudged, shaved my head, howled like wolfs and poured blessed water over me. I liberated, we were charting new territory, coming together as one, allowing pure emotion, being transparent and honoring life in its raw chaotic beauty. Perhaps a small inconsequential gathering in the eyes of some but, I think, all of us gathered recognized an energy celebrated by the cosmos; we were breaking-ground, creating something new and exciting. 

All my life has been a search for love.  Having a preconceived notion of what was required, I expected a warped form of perfection that doesn’t exist, shouldn’t exist. The unmeetable unrealistic expectations arose from a misconception and mistrust of life and an attempt to hold on to the structure of misbelief because, even though it was horrible, cold and isolating, in its familiarity, it felt safe. While experiencing last night’s ceremony a shift occurred, a release from dogma and the expectation of how it should be, how we should act. Then came an invitation to love and laughter. I didn’t feel like ironing my shirt or the tablecloth, so I didn’t!  In the preparation I followed my heart, feeling support and love from the land and elements while asking for help to forgive my family, friends and myself, recognizing that all we have ever done is search for comfort, love and a safe place to land. 

Is it that the world has changed and those around me can offer a more pure love? Or, have I changed, finally recognizing life’s loving, joyous, raucous, messy form. There is an opening and the light shining though is a great gift.
With deep gratitude and love to:
And Juliana, who, while not here physically was a most essential part -

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