Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Tattoo

Today, after visiting the surgeon, I thought about how I always wanted to have an eyeliner tattoo and that now was the perfect time, since losing my eyelashes would mean that eye makeup wouldn’t stay on. And, I can't do it after I start chemo (which from now on will be referred to as nectar or alchemy.) So, I called a friend of mine who had done it and asked, where and how? She hooked me up with her girl and there was an opening for tonight.  I'm early for the appointment and there is a Taco Cabana right in front, it's been a hard week and I know they have 2-dollar margaritas so what the heck. I decide to go in and have a margarita and read my book.

Most know I'm not much of a drinker and am easily effected by alcohol....but finally, I go in. The tattoo lady and I chat about what I want and she says, “What about your eyebrows?”

My response was, “Well, I hadn't thought about that. I guess so.” And she did. Holy Shit, the next two hours were pure hell, excruciating pain, the kind of pain that made me wonder why those who torture use water boarding when they could easily get information this way.

Finally, she has me sit up to look in the mirror and it was even HOLIER SHIT!!!  My largely natural hardly ever-plucked eyebrows are black as coal, arched lines that look like the Joker's in Batman, but with black shoe polish. Or, have you seen the skinny old ladies who hang out in bars smoking cigs and they have these eyebrows they've painted on with the black eyebrow pencil that comes in the cheap red plastic container?  That's me now. Tattoo lady is very sweet (Michelle) she can tell I'm freaking and keeps assuring me that it will fade (she used blonde...) It still really hurts.

I keep looking in the mirror and thinking, who is that freak??!!

She used blonde on my eyebrows but they look black. My referral friend said that's normal and the black will peel off to a more natural color - Lordy May Pearl I hope so. Wish they made hats for eyebrows - I was thinking of wearing Groucho Marx glasses or immediate laser removal.

A week later – the eyebrows do look more natural now, or at least I’m used to them. I had my head shaved Saturday evening (more on that later)  and the eyebrows help my eyes pop out with the baldness. Still not completely healed but I’m loving my new look and letting my freak flag fly! 

Groucho Marx Lydia the Tattooed Lady -


  1. Love you, Bobbie. You are funny as hell. I want to hang out with you.

    1. Any time Marga! By the way, you are quoted in my next post with a link to your website :)

  2. What a great idea to get the tattoos, I never thought of that. I DID get a tattoo of a dragonfly after all was done. On my back, not my brows, lol. It was symbolic for me.

  3. I thought I left a comment yesterday, but it didn't show up. I saw a fashion tip about how to look five years younger, I can only remember two: use transparent face powder (who knew there was such a thing), and darken and define your eyebrows! So, I think the tattoos will get you ten!
    From what I read on your blog, and Facebook, I think you are creating a good environment for healing, and getting through the many appointments ahead. I'd like to offer you lymphatic therapy, as a gift, at any point. If you ever have a question about the lymphatic system, let me know. You are surrounded by love and light. Linda OD

    1. Thanks so much Linda, I would love to work on the lymph massage in a bit. Let's keep in touch about it. Hahahah - yes, 10 years younger and a little sassy :) xoox
